The Village Council is a nonpartisan body, and I believe it is important they govern as one; that is, evaluating issues on facts and merits and making rational decisions based on the needs of our residents and businesses, not on politics. We need people willing to respectfully collaborate to continue the Village's successes while continuously striving to improve the community.
I am excited to review the public tree planting policies and push for codification of a private tree placement ordinance. We all need to take a page from the Lorax. "I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues, and I am asking you sir, at the top of my lungs, oh please do not cut down another one." Dr. Suess.
Balance smart economic development with public safety to ensure a balanced budget protecting our necessary social service programs. The Implementation of the Fairview Focus Area plan is an opportunity to grow our village and implement plans to benefit our seniors and promote affordable housing for our seniors.
Promote the active mobility plan to ensure a more bikeable and walkable Downers Grove and transform DG into a pedestrian first community while ensuring safe streets, sidewalks, and crosswalks for Downers Grove. I will advocate for an amendment to the zoning code providing guidance to our residents, businesses and developers restricting access of drive-thru’ s on residential streets keeping drive-thru traffic out of our neighborhoods.
Implement a plan to ensure our Senior Residents receive all available resources. Ensure village social services are clear and accessible. Advocate for more affordable housing for our Seniors in Downers Grove.
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